Remote collars are effective tools in dog training because timing is the most critical skill. Correct timing helps mark your dog’s good behavior with a reward and reminds them when they're doing something wrong. For example, if you call your dog for 20 minutes and then scold them once they arrive, the dog won’t understand why. To them, coming to you should be seen as positive, and they won’t connect your frustration with their delayed response.

When using a remote collar, you start by training in a controlled environment, teaching basic commands. Once your dog is familiar with these, you can apply them in various settings. The collar is used to gently remind your dog, using low-level stimulation, that they need to comply with your commands. If necessary, stimulation levels can be increased. For instance, when your dog is outside and allowed to roam, the remote collar reinforces the "Come" command, making it clear that the stimulation means "Come now." This is the essence of timing.

If your dog encounters something undesirable, like animal droppings in the backyard, you can pair stimulation with the "Leave It" command the moment they show interest in eating it, ensuring your timing is spot-on. Similarly, if your dog charges the door when the Amazon driver arrives, you can use the "Leave It" command with stimulation, even from upstairs. Consistently pairing a reward with compliance is key. I’ve found that using “Leave It” followed by “Come” helps reinforce both the reminder to listen and the reward for good behavior, making your training more effective.

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